Profiles Performance Indicator Report Options



A personality style employee performance assessment used to assess motivators to increase productivity.

Management Report

The primary purpose of this Management Report is to provide you with information concerning the significant behavioral indicators of your client and their preferred style of performing their job. You will also get a good picture of their potential for growth and development within an organization and how you can help them maximize her potential.

Coaching | Development

Personal Report

The report can be provided to your client. The purpose of this report is to help your client identify and make full use of their strengths, develop an awareness of any areas that could be limiting their effectiveness, and achieve greater success for their self by utilizing this information.

Coaching | Development

Team Analysis Summary

The ability of a team to work effectively is greatly influenced by the individual characteristics of the team members and their synergy. While a team can adjust to accommodate synergy issues, the fewer adjustments necessary, the more efficiently the team will function. In managing a team, the more data available to help you understand the characteristics of the team members, the more focused the management of that team.

Coaching | Development

Team Action Summary

Each of the 12 characteristics is presented along with a brief definition. Also provided are the group

members that score high on each characteristic and action steps for the manager to use in effectively managing these team members.

Coaching | Development


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