We collaborate with our clients to create a competitive advantage by understanding their people at the deepest levels. This includes how they think, natural tendencies, behaviors, preferences, and attitudes toward key workplace issues.
Developing the Individual
An organization would not spend $50,000 on a piece of equipment without first knowing how it works. Still, every day we see businesses hire and deploy employees with little or no thought given to understanding how these employees will perform the day-to-day activities to be successful in that role.
We reveal consistent, in-depth, and objective insights into an individual’s thinking style, relevant behavioral traits, occupational interests, and matches to specific jobs in your organization. We provide your managers with information to make more informed decisions when interviewing and selecting people who have the highest probability of being successful in a role. We share practical recommendations to maximize performance. In addition, your organization will receive consistent language and metrics to support strategic workforce and succession planning, talent management, and reorganization efforts.
Know Your Leadership Style
We offer straightforward, no-nonsense insights toward knowing your own leadership style and characteristics, the types of activities that motivate you, the advantages you can leverage, and potential challenges to consider. This information can outline how best to capitalize on your strengths, and where to focus personal leadership development efforts so you can accomplish your organizational goals and strategic initiatives.
Empower Your Managers
We empower your management team by providing them with valuable information and insight to help them be more effective, more productive, and to deliver consistent results.
Managers use the information we provide for adapting their styles to get the most from each employee by improving communication, increasing engagement, satisfaction, and productivity, and reducing employee turnover.
85% of employees leave due to conflict in the manager/employee relationship.
50% of an employee’s work satisfaction depends on the relationship with their manager.
Executives were found to spend a minimum of one month per year dealing with personality conflicts.
There is no “I” in Team, but There is in EI
Research has shown the impact that emotions have on performance. As leaders, we can motivate others to do things more effectively and efficiently by helping people feel involved, valued, and respected. When people have unproductive feelings of being stressed, worried, frustrated, or fearful, they perform at their worst.
We help our clients overcome organizational challenges by helping them apply and develop emotional intelligence in the workplace, increasing employee productivity, employee engagement and job satisfaction.
Talking the Talk, but Not Walking the Walk
Many salespeople can be competitive and persuasive. That is good because it is their job, but as an employer they may tell you what you want to hear, instead of the truth. As a result:
50% of organizations are dissatisfied with the new sales representatives they hire.
19% of sales representative’s turnover voluntarily each year.
16% of sales representative’s turnover involuntarily each year.
We help our clients predict on-the-job performance in seven critical sales behaviors: prospecting, call reluctance, closing the sale, self-starting, teamwork, building and maintaining relationships, and compensation preference.
You Get One Chance
The cost of a bad hire that is client-facing is very high, considering the hiring and ramp-up costs, poor productivity, lost revenue, and potential damage to the organization’s reputation.
We help our clients take an inside look at the behaviors and motives of their client service team, to help you make better hiring, promotion, and organizational decisions. Giving this information to managers, helps them be more effective and get the most from their people by making sure that everyone in the organization is aligned with the client service goals and can make a great first impression.
Capitalizing on our Differences
Working with the various departments of an organization, you will find that you often need an individual’s uniqueness to achieve desired results as a team. Inevitably, “personality clashes” will occur. If not understood and addressed, these clashes can get in the way of productivity and even lead to dissension, which can have a negative effect on departmental success.
We help you address these challenges by mapping out your team’s characteristics side by side, providing you with the data you need to capitalize on both their similarities and their differences.